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School Personnel

Superintendent None listed...
Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director / Head Coach
Latta, Jeff --
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members None listed...
Principal Mitchell, Alicia --
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Athletic Administrative Assistant
Bonsen, Olivia 425-385-3464
Athletic Trainer Schuster, Lee --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Paul Turner
Fall Football Joe Montellano
Fall Boys Tennis Houston Schmutz
Fall Cheerleading Gianna Rule
Fall Girls Cross Country Paul Turner
Fall Girls Soccer Alix Ericksen
Mike Bartley
Josh Bartley
Fall Girls Swimming & Diving David Whitmore
Fall Girls Volleyball Allison Sinex
Winter Boys Basketball Joe Hardy
Winter Boys Swimming & Diving Jolynne Leitzel-Abbe
David Whitmore
Winter Boys Wrestling Corbin Dunston
Joe Montellano
Carlos Garibay
Winter Girls Basketball Ebany Herd
Winter Girls Wrestling Joe Montellano
Spring Baseball Zander Clouse
Spring Boys Golf Mike Leonen
Spring Boys Soccer Terry Ryan
Mike Bartley
Spring Boys Track & Field
Spring Girls Golf Alix Ericksen
Spring Fastpitch Softball Megan Dedrick
Spring Girls Tennis Dane Stringfellow
Michael Taylor
Spring Girls Track & Field


Activity Head Advisor(s)