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King's Way Christian Knights

Non-public K12 School, PPK-12th

General Info

Athletic Info

Contact Info

Athletic Website
Athletic Phone
Athletic Email
Convenience Links
MaxPreps Google Hubspot NCES Google

School Personnel

Superintendent None listed...
Athletic Director
Officially: Assistant Coach / Athletic Director
Valentine, Jared --
Officially: Finance Director
Crate, Jacqueline --
Board Members None listed...
Principal None listed...
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Asst Athletic Director
Officially: Assistant Athletic Director / Varsity Head Coach
Bagley, Nicole 360-574-1613
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Assistant Coach / Athletic Secretary
Johnson, Deb --
Athletic Secretaries Myers, Jamie --
Athletic Trainer None listed...


Sport Head Coach(es)
MS Fall Football PJ Fisher
HS Fall Boys Cross Country
HS Fall Boys Golf Greg Railsback
HS Fall Football PJ Fisher
Dale Rule
MS Fall Coed Cross Country Terree Marvin
MS Fall Girls Soccer Jake Nagy
MS Fall Girls Volleyball Brittany Fobi
Jim Sparks
Mike Diehl
Corinne Youngren
HS Fall Cheerleading Danielle Pritchett
HS Fall Girls Cross Country Joyce McCombs
Karen Turcic
HS Fall Girls Soccer Ellie Townsend
HS Fall Girls Volleyball Brittany Fobi
MS Winter Boys Basketball Karter Graves
HS Winter Boys Basketball Ty Johnson
Jared Shagool
HS Winter Boys Wrestling Gary Armstrong
MS Winter Coed Wrestling Joe Beuthin
Gary Armstrong
MS Winter Girls Basketball Hannah Moats
HS Winter Girls Basketball Keith Hill
Nicole Bagley
HS Winter Girls Wrestling Gary Armstrong
HS Winter Cheerleading Danielle Pritchett
MS Spring Boys Track & Field Ty Johnson
HS Spring Baseball Anthony Valdez
Todd Pisarczyk
Nick Wisner
HS Spring Boys Soccer Niko DeVera
HS Spring Boys Track & Field Ty Johnson
Levi Sparks
Karen Turcic
MS Spring Girls Track & Field Ty Johnson
HS Spring Fastpitch Softball Darci Vick
HS Spring Girls Golf Martta Harlow
HS Spring Girls Track & Field Ty Johnson
Levi Sparks
Karen Turcic


Activity Head Advisor(s)