Bellevue Big Picture School Panthers

Public High School, 6th-12th in Bellevue School District

General Info

King County

Athletic Info

Purple and White
* Data updates nightly
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School Personnel

Officially: Principal / School Administrator
Spinler, Bethany spinlerb@bsd405.org --
Assistant Principal Barrett, Devin barrettd@bsd405.org --
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Access
Brakke, Brent brakkeb@bsd405.org --
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Athletic Access
Tomlinson, Andi tomlinsona@bsd405.org --
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Accountant - Athletics
Olsen, Andrea olsena@bsd405.org 424-456-7612
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Nurse Athletic Access
Tu, Daphne tud@bsd405.org --
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Athletic Access
Hill, John hillj@bsd405.org --
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Athletic Access
Mayer, Kelli mayerk@bsd405.org 425-456-7039
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Athletic Access
Higgins, Krystyn higginsk@bsd405.org --
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Athletic Access Only
Poad, Patricia poadp@bsd405.org --
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Nurse Athletic Access
Singh, Sybil singhs@bsd405.org --
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Athletic Access
Newton, Wes newtonw@bsd405.org 425-456-7611
Athletic Trainer Kreger, Chase c.kreger@proliancesurgeons.com --

District Personnel

Superintendent Aramaki, Kelly aramakia@bsd405.org 425-456-4025
District Athletic Director
Officially: District Athletic and Activities Director
Lowell, Jeff lowellj@bsd405.org 425-456-4010
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Rogan, Cindy roganc@bsd405.org --
Board Members Aras, Jane arasj@bsd405.org --
Board Members Webster, Monica webstermo@bsd405.org --
Board Members Bloch, Phil blochp@bsd405.org --
Board Members Watson, Carolyn watsonc@bsd405.org --


Sport Head Coach(es)


Activity Head Advisor(s)