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School Personnel

Principal Vergara, Alejandro --
Assistant Principal Gray, Amy --
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director Beazizo, Donald 360-757-4074x3514
Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director / Athletic Secretary
Rainaud-Hinds, Tiffany --
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Athletic Director / Athletic Secretary
Rainaud-Hinds, Tiffany --
Athletic Trainer Pryor, Rachel --

District Personnel

Superintendent Pearson, Chris --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Beazizo, Donald --
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members
Officially: School Board Member
Haddick, Elli --
Board Members Nielsen, Holly --
Board Members Wesen, Rich --
Board Members Howard, Roger --
Board Members
Officially: Board Member
Campbell, Shayna --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Kevin Gudgel
Sue Wright
Fall Football Dalton Schwetz
Fall Boys Tennis Ryan Wallace
Fall Cheerleading Janet Horton
Fall Girls Cross Country Kevin Gudgel
Sue Wright
Fall Dance/Drill
Fall Girls Soccer Ben MacKay
Ryan Kuttel
Fall Girls Swimming & Diving Jillian Dees
Rachel Omdal
Fall Girls Volleyball Tawnya Brewer
Winter Boys Basketball Jeff Dutton
Winter Boys Swimming & Diving Jillian Dees
Rachel Omdal
Winter Boys Wrestling Kip Jones
Winter Girls Basketball Brett McLeod
Winter Girls Bowling Kristin Caldwell
Winter Girls Wrestling
Spring Baseball John Thurmond
Spring Boys Golf Charlie Herzberg
Tito Vivanco
Spring Boys Soccer Ryan Kuttel
Jose Camarena
Spring Boys Track & Field Sue Wright
Tawnya Brewer
Kevin Gudgel
Ryan Wallace
Spring Fastpitch Softball Jessica Fleury
Darcy Taylor
Rachel Zaccardi
Spring Girls Golf Greg Knutzen
Bridget Doucet
Spring Girls Tennis Shaun Cammock
Spring Girls Track & Field Sue Wright
Tawnya Brewer
Kevin Gudgel
Ryan Wallace


Activity Head Advisor(s)
All Year Drama Club
All Year Music (Band)
All Year Music (Choir)