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Chelan Mountain Goats

Public High School, 9th-12th in Lake Chelan School District

School Personnel

Principal Pancho, Jamie --
Assistant Principal Granger, Scott --
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director Reister, Evan 509-682-4061
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries Rodriguez, Andrea --
Athletic Trainer None listed...

District Personnel

Superintendent Wilson, Brad --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Reister, Evan 509-682-4061
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members None listed...


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Alberto Granados
Mark Anderson
Fall Football Jerry Lopez
Fall Cheerleading Sarah Todd
Fall Girls Cross Country Mark Anderson
Fall Girls Soccer David Cruz
Amaris Longmire
Fall Girls Volleyball Abbigail Lewellen
Winter Boys Basketball Tony Callero
Winter Boys Wrestling Zach Linton
Winter Girls Basketball Frank Phelps
Nick Longmire
Winter Girls Wrestling Zach Linton
Spring Baseball Brandon Boyd
Spring Boys Golf Brooke Sanders
Spring Boys Soccer Julio Juarez
Spring Boys Tennis Marty Rothlisberger
Spring Boys Track & Field Mark Anderson
Michael Dols
Spring Fastpitch Softball Sarah Reister
Piaget Huewe
Spring Girls Golf Brooke Sanders
Spring Girls Tennis Frants Holm-Nielsen
Christie Rothlisberger
Marty Rothlisberger
Spring Girls Track & Field Mark Anderson
Michael Dols


Activity Head Advisor(s)
All Year Drama Club
All Year Music (Band)