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School Personnel

Principal Wallace, Stephen 509-234-2911
Assistant Principal Pyeatt, Stephen 509-234-2911
Principal's Secretary
Officially: Head Secretary CHS
Marroquin, Jessica --
Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director / Head Coach
Forsyth, Scott 509-234-2911
Asst Athletic Director
Officially: Assistant Athletic Director / Head Coach
O'Brien, Devin --
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Athletic Secretary / Secretary
Gomez, Mayra --
Athletic Trainer None listed...

District Personnel

Superintendent Moore, Brian --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Forsyth, Scott --
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Fox, Jon mailto: --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Jeffry Stoker
Fall Football Scott Forsyth
Fall Girls Cross Country Jeffry Stoker
Fall Girls Soccer Darrell Chambers
Fall Girls Volleyball Patty Brandt
Winter Boys Basketball Devin O'Brien
Winter Boys Wrestling Brad Shaeffer
Winter Girls Basketball Kameron Jenks
Winter Girls Wrestling Jackiie Ramos
Spring Baseball Justin Bowen
Spring Boys Golf
Spring Boys Soccer Darrell Chambers
Spring Boys Tennis Camren Chase
Josh Morrill
Spring Boys Track & Field Bryant Andersen
Spring Girls Golf
Spring Fastpitch Softball Stevie Garza
Spring Girls Tennis Camren Chase
Josh Morrill
Spring Girls Track & Field Bryant Andersen
Jeffry Stoker


Activity Head Advisor(s)
All Year Music (Band)
All Year Drama Club