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Davenport Gorillas

Public High School, 6th-12th in Davenport School District

School Personnel

Officially: HS Principal
Hargrave, Jennifer --
Officially: MS Principal
Carstens, Noelle --
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director / Head Coach
Rasmussen, Tim 509-721-1481
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries None listed...
Athletic Trainer None listed...

District Personnel

Superintendent Prewitt, Chad --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Rasmussen, Tim 509-725-1481
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Winzer, Erica --
Board Members Husky, Garrett --
Board Members Schreck, Janie --
Board Members Lathrop, Lorin --
Board Members Odenrider, Tami --


Sport Head Coach(es)
HS Fall Boys Cross Country Brian Telford
HS Fall Football Tim Rasmussen
MS Fall Boys Cross Country Brian Telford
Kyra Bodeau
MS Fall Football Matt Wagner
HS Fall Cheerleading Sadra Danekas
HS Fall Girls Cross Country Brian Telford
Kyra Bodeau
HS Fall Girls Soccer Monty Soliday
HS Fall Girls Volleyball Natalee Hayes
MS Fall Girls Cross Country Brian Telford
Kyra Bodeau
MS Fall Girls Volleyball Kasey Ward
HS Winter Boys Basketball Matt Henry
Lorin Lathrop
HS Winter Boys Wrestling Jesse Hoff
MS Winter Boys Basketball Trenton Briney
Darin Danekas
MS Winter Boys Wrestling Kasey Ward
Rob Harper
HS Winter Girls Basketball Stacia Soliday
HS Winter Girls Wrestling Jesse Hoff
MS Winter Girls Basketball Dusty Oestreich
MS Winter Girls Wrestling Kasey Ward
Rob Harper
HS Spring Baseball Tim Rasmussen
HS Spring Boys Golf Trenton Briney
HS Spring Boys Tennis
HS Spring Boys Track & Field Monty Soliday
MS Spring Baseball Darin Danekas
MS Spring Boys Track & Field Haley Greenwood
HS Spring Fastpitch Softball Lindsey Kruger
HS Spring Girls Golf Trenton Briney
HS Spring Girls Tennis
HS Spring Girls Track & Field Monty Soliday
MS Spring Fastpitch Softball Kasey Ward
MS Spring Girls Track & Field Haley Greenwood


Activity Head Advisor(s)
HS All Year Music (Band)