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School Personnel

Principal Sturdivant, Amy --
Assistant Principal Ridgway, Sheelah --
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director Kralik, Gavin 360-879-1227
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries Kimball, Heather 360-641-1228
Athletic Trainer None listed...

District Personnel

Superintendent Brower, Jay --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director / Head Coach
Kralik, Gavin 360-879-1227
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members None listed...


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Geoff Olson
Jessica Morrish
Fall Football Rex Norris
Fall Boys Tennis Maryann Baker
Alex Christensen
Fall Cheerleading Rylea Foehl
Fall Girls Cross Country Geoff Olson
Jessica Morrish
Fall Dance/Drill Tessa Carty
Fall Girls Soccer Max Van Eaton
Fall Girls Swimming & Diving Andrea Stammen
Fall Girls Volleyball Danni Rodriguez
Winter Boys Basketball Josh Bennett
Winter Boys Wrestling Kjell Nykreim
Mario Ragazzo
Trinity Potter
Oscar Springsteen
Wesley Potter
Mario Ragazzo
Winter Girls Basketball Deanna Andersen
Winter Girls Wrestling Mario Ragazzo
Trinity Potter
Wesley Potter
Mario Ragazzo
Spring Baseball Doug Fillbach
Spring Boys Soccer Corey Ackerman
Max Van Eaton
Spring Boys Track & Field Geoff Olson
Spring Fastpitch Softball Jennifer Smith
Spring Girls Tennis Alex Christensen
Spring Girls Track & Field Geoff Olson
Jessica Morrish
Trinity Potter
Tony Reed


Activity Head Advisor(s)