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School Personnel

Principal Crow, Ed --
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director Kase, Jesse 253-435-6300
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries None listed...
Athletic Trainer Berglund, Jason --
Athletic Trainer Tevis, Kimberly --

District Personnel

Superintendent Polm, John 253-840-8950
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Meyerhoff, Jim 253-841-8785
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Berg, David --
Board Members Miles, Gretchen --
Board Members Burch, Shannon --
Board Members Romero, Joseph --
Board Members Names, Maddie --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Nicholas Treich
Abigail Shelly
Fall Football Torey Donovan
Fall Boys Tennis Braden Henricksen
Fall Cheerleading Jennetta Blake
Fall Girls Cross Country Nicholas Treich
Abigail Shelly
Fall Girls Golf Ben Muehlenbruch
Fall Girls Soccer Kasey Sidor
Fall Girls Swimming & Diving Jackie Cuda
Fall Girls Volleyball Bobby McGivern
Jill Fox-Mullen
Winter Boys Basketball Pat Mullen
Winter Boys Swimming & Diving Heather Hopkins
James McMullan
Winter Boys Wrestling Cody Meek
John Morrison
Winter Competitive Cheerleading Jennetta Blake
Winter Girls Basketball Arvin Mosley Jr
Winter Girls Bowling Al McCormack
Winter Gymnastics Karrie Marton
Bobbi Jones
Winter Girls Wrestling Cody Meek
John Morrison
Spring Baseball Justin O'Keefe
Jake Roten
Spring Boys Golf Stu Collins
Spring Boys Soccer Trevor Kawamura
Spring Boys Track & Field Pat Mullen
Spring Fastpitch Softball Adam Schakel
Spring Girls Tennis Braden Henricksen
Spring Girls Track & Field Bob Frey


Activity Head Advisor(s)
All Year Music (Band)