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School Personnel

Principal Orrantia, Daniel --
Assistant Principal
Officially: Assistant Principal / Athletic Director
Wallace, Adam --
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director
Officially: Assistant Principal / Athletic Director
Wallace, Adam --
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries Amos, Rochelle --
Athletic Trainer None listed...

District Personnel

Superintendent Moloney, Christine --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Piland, Cale 360-604-4431
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Wilson, Gary --
Board Members Gronwoldt, Ginny --
Board Members Weatherspoon, Jacqueline --
Board Members Perkins, Rob --
Board Members Bocanegra, Julie --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Annie Christie
Fall Football Christian Swain
Fall Boys Golf Kendall Thiemann
Fall Boys Tennis Jennifer Pizot
Fall Cheerleading John Martin
Fall Girls Cross Country Annie Christie
Austin Rains
Carl Sofie
Fall Dance/Drill Jazmin Chiles
Fall Slowpitch Softball Carrie Urban
Donnie Moore
Leigh Rittierodt
Leah Crane
Fall Girls Soccer Keenan Burris
Fall Girls Volleyball Nichelle Bethune
Winter Boys Basketball Brett Henry
Winter Boys Wrestling Jake Wilcox
Roger Wingert
Winter Competitive Cheerleading Nancy Burris
John Martin
Winter Girls Basketball Charles Neal
Anthony Lamberth
Winter Girls Bowling Robin Bailey
Winter Gymnastics Kelsie Kirk
Irene Monroy
Winter Girls Wrestling Jake Wilcox
Jacob Swift
Austin Wright
Kennedy Wilcox
Harland Richards
Roger Wingert
Spring Baseball Chad Burchett
Spring Boys Soccer Keenan Burris
Spring Boys Track & Field Ken Frisch
Dara Donalde
Nichelle Bethune
Annie Christie
Spring Fastpitch Softball Carrie Urban
Spring Girls Golf Kendall Thiemann
Adam Olson
Spring Girls Tennis Jennifer Pizot
Doug Priebe
Spring Girls Track & Field Ken Frisch
Dara Donalde
Nichelle Bethune
Annie Christie


Activity Head Advisor(s)