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School Personnel

Principal Hart, Tarance --
Assistant Principal Acton, Ida --
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director Bigham, Tiffany --
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Assistant Secretary
Whitlock, Kimberly --
Athletic Trainer
Officially: Certified Athletic Trainer
Conrad, Rachel --

District Personnel

Superintendent Jones, Brent --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
McCarthy, Pat 206-252-1805
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Davis, Tara 206-252-1791
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members None listed...


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Deresse Haile
Elizabeth Carey
Ben Neiman
Fall Football Curtis Wells Jr.
Fall Boys Golf Chris Englund
Jesse Uman
Fall Cheerleading Victoria Wade
Fall Girls Cross Country Deresse Haile
Elizabeth Carey
Ben Neiman
Fall Girls Golf Chris Englund
Fall Slowpitch Softball
Fall Girls Soccer Sena Alkadir
Nils Dahlgren
Carlos Cardenas
Carlos Enriquez
Tyson Manzin
Fall Girls Swimming & Diving Maddie Hayden
Fall Girls Volleyball Shay Gardner
Winter Boys Basketball Brandon Roy
Winter Boys Swimming & Diving
Winter Boys Wrestling Tyrail Minor
Winter Girls Basketball Roy Smiley
Kevin Johnson
Kwajalein Clack
Winter Girls Bowling Erik Zaugg
Winter Girls Wrestling Brad Church
Vik Cheema
Tyrail Minor
Spring Baseball Chris Moedritzer
Spring Boys Soccer Nils Dahlgren
Carlos Cardenas
Ryan Miller
Carlos Enriquez
Tyson Manzin
Spring Boys Tennis Katie Busby
Aaron Schechter
Spring Boys Track & Field Kwajalein Clack
Deresse Haile
Elizabeth Carey
Ben Neiman
Spring Fastpitch Softball Tyler Keys
Spring Girls Tennis
Spring Girls Track & Field Kwajalein Clack
Deresse Haile
Elizabeth Carey
Ben Neiman


Activity Head Advisor(s)