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School Personnel

Principal Fox, Tim --
Assistant Principal Pacheco, Kathy 360-448-6450
Principal's Secretary Heder, Kirsten --
Athletic Director
Officially: Assistant Principal / Athletic Director
Pacheco, Kathy 360-448-6456
Asst Athletic Director
Officially: Assistant Athletic Director / Assistant Coach
Powers, Kasey --
Athletic Secretaries McAfee, Carolee 360-448-6452
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: ASB Bookkeeper
Rogers, Kristi --
Athletic Trainer None listed...

District Personnel

Superintendent Marshall, Steve 360-448-6400
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Pacheco, Kathy 360-448-6456
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Smith, Gordon --
Board Members VanNatta, Teresa --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Melissa Peterson
Fall Football Clint LeCount
Fall Boys Golf Jarred Gomez
Fall Boys Tennis Scott Fish
Fall Cheerleading Julie Ruhl
Chantelle Henry
Fall Girls Cross Country Melissa Peterson
Fall Girls Soccer Tony Ayala
Fall Girls Swimming & Diving Michelle Jacobs-Brown
Fall Girls Volleyball Mallorie Henker
Winter Boys Basketball Dalton Rausch
Winter Boys Swimming & Diving William Bradley
Michelle Jacobs-Brown
Winter Boys Wrestling Brandon Redeau
Winter Girls Basketball Damon Roche
Winter Girls Wrestling Brandon Redeau
Spring Baseball Clay Foley
Spring Boys Soccer Tony Ayala
Spring Boys Track & Field Randy Pearrow
Spring Fastpitch Softball Mike Steuben
Spring Girls Golf Dennis Dewitt
Spring Girls Tennis Krista Mikalatos
Spring Girls Track & Field Randy Pearrow


Activity Head Advisor(s)
All Year Drama Club
All Year Music (Band)
All Year Music (Band)