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School Personnel

Principal Ketover, Samantha --
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary
Officially: ASB Bookkeeper
Herrick, Stacy 253-373-7764
Athletic Director Vann, Alanna 253-373-7715
Athletic Director
Officially: Director of Athletics and Activities
Smith, Brian 253-373-7250
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries Inscho, Katie 253-373-7764
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: SALT Team
Team, Salt --
Athletic Trainer Smith, Sydney --

District Personnel

Superintendent Vela, Israel --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Smith, Brian 253-373-7250
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Clark, Tim --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Stewart Kunzelman
Fall Football Matt Roth
Fall Boys Golf Mike Landry
Fall Boys Tennis Ingrid Bakke
Fall Girls Cross Country Stewart Kunzelman
Fall Girls Golf Dan Ito
Fall Dance/Drill Lahela Kanoho
Fall Girls Soccer Scott Gibb
Fall Girls Swimming & Diving Chris Kunzelman
Michael Dobner
Kristin Hawkinson
Fall Girls Volleyball Kayla Hanus
Winter Boys Basketball Blake Solomon
Winter Boys Swimming & Diving Chris Kunzelman
Winter Boys Wrestling Daniel Wright
Kendall Anderson
Winter Girls Basketball Jordan Nero
Winter Cheerleading Rebecca Matthews
Winter Gymnastics Jessalyn Meisenheimer
Winter Girls Wrestling Daniel Wright
Kendall Anderson
Spring Baseball Patrick Meisenheimer
Mark Zender
Mike Landry
Spring Boys Soccer Jeff Knutson
Scott Gibb
Spring Boys Track & Field Robert Thomas
Ferin Barry
Stewart Kunzelman
Spring Fastpitch Softball Sydney Eacret
Kayla Hanus
Spring Girls Tennis Ingrid Bakke
Spring Girls Track & Field Robert Thomas
Stewart Kunzelman


Activity Head Advisor(s)