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Montesano Bulldog

Public High School, 7th-12th in Montesano School District

School Personnel

Officially: Co-Principal
Greene, Anne --
Officially: Co-Principal
Ranger, Ryan --
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director Pace, Pat --
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Athletic Secretary / Head Coach
Wecker, Cindy 360-249-1237
Athletic Trainer Champlin, Whitney --

District Personnel

Superintendent Winter, Dan --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Pace, Pat --
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Thomas, Chris --
Board Members Messick, Doug --
Board Members Monroe, Kelly --
Board Members Wilson, Moraya --
Board Members Schweppe, Tiffany --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Kaitlyn Bradley
James Edwards
Fall Boys Cross Country Kaitlyn Bradley
James Edwards
Fall Football Adam Williamsen
Fall Football Terry Jensen
Mathew Jensen
Eric Stanfield
Loyal Linton
Fall Boys Golf Tyler Grajek
Fall Cheerleading Tiffanee Parson
Fall Girls Cross Country Kaitlyn Bradley
James Edwards
Fall Girls Cross Country Kaitlyn Bradley
Fall Dance/Drill Cassadie Golding
Brenda Crawford
Fall Girls Soccer Fidel Sanchez
Fall Girls Volleyball Cindy Wecker
Winter Boys Basketball Chad Martin
Sylvia Martin
Mathew Jensen
Winter Boys Basketball Doug Galloway
Winter Boys Wrestling Darrel White
Winter Boys Wrestling Jimmy Wells
Fidel Sanchez
Jeff Klinger
Justin Gillaspie
Darrel White
Winter Girls Basketball Chad Martin
Dawn Parkin
Sylvia Martin
Winter Girls Basketball Mark Mansfield
Kellie Dalan
Winter Girls Wrestling Darrel White
Winter Girls Wrestling Darrel White
Spring Baseball Mike Osgood
Spring Boys Soccer Gary Mawhorter
Fidel Sanchez
Spring Boys Track & Field Jordan Spradlin
Spring Boys Track & Field Tiffany Schweppe
Spring Girls Golf Tyler Grajek
Doug Galloway
Spring Fastpitch Softball Pat Pace
Eric Stanfield
Dawn Parkin
Spring Girls Tennis Aaron Tubbs
Spring Girls Track & Field Jordan Spradlin
Spring Girls Track & Field Tiffany Schweppe


Activity Head Advisor(s)