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School Personnel

Principal Kries, Sheila 509-766-2666x40105
Assistant Principal Lindholm, Kay --
Assistant Principal Jay, Thomas --
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director Sandhop, Loren 509-766-2666x40109
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries Gaddis, Jennifer 509-766-2666x40110
Athletic Trainer
Officially: Assistant Athletic Trainer
Mendoza, Jose --
Athletic Trainer Rodriguez, Lili --
Athletic Trainer Clements, Reuben --

District Personnel

Superintendent Lewis, Carol --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Sandhop, Loren 509-766-2666x40109
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Breitenstein, Amy --
Board Members Urias, Carla --
Board Members Jensen, Kirryn --
Board Members Hill, Paul --
Board Members Coulston, Ryan --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Larry Dagnon
Fall Football Don Lindgren
Brett Jay
Fall Cheerleading Mikey Carlile
Fall Girls Cross Country Brendan Thompson
Bradley Tripp
Joseph Johnson
Larry Dagnon
Jodi O'Shea
Fall Dance/Drill Jaylynn Hernandez
Fall Slowpitch Softball Michael Hofheins
Fall Girls Soccer Alysha Overland
Fall Girls Swimming & Diving Jason Hart
Tony Preston
Fall Girls Volleyball Krystal Trammell
Winter Boys Basketball Craig Groth
Winter Boys Swimming & Diving Aleksey Semenko
Jason Hart
Dena Pugh
Tony Preston
Winter Boys Wrestling Jose Tanguma
Winter Competitive Cheerleading Mikey Carlile
Winter Girls Basketball Matt Strophy
Winter Girls Bowling Dan Stevenson
Winter Girls Wrestling David Peralez
Spring Baseball Don Lindgren
Spring Boys Golf Terrance Melbye
Kevin Whittall
Spring Boys Soccer Miguel Segura
Spring Boys Tennis Rich Gregoire
Jenna Harding
Courtney Kunjara
Jace Hunt
Jay Dickinson
Spring Boys Track & Field Brittany Reagan
Casey Cooper
Tiffany Quilter
Karina Maceda
Kati Leach
Jennifer Carpenter
Nicki Weiland
Spring Fastpitch Softball Michael Hofheins
Spring Girls Golf
Spring Girls Tennis Rich Gregoire
Spring Girls Track & Field Nicki Weiland


Activity Head Advisor(s)
All Year Music (Band)
All Year Music (Choir)
All Year Debate (Congressional)
All Year Debate (Policy)
All Year Drama Club
All Year Debate (Speech)