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School Personnel

Principal Buckley, Collin --
Assistant Principal Demorest, Jeff --
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director / Head Coach
Harmon, Tom 360-220-7142
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries None listed...
Athletic Trainer None listed...

District Personnel

Superintendent Galley, Matt --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director / Head Coach
Harmon, Tom 360-220-7142
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Kimball, Halli --
Board Members Harder, Shelley 360-815-2819
Board Members Jones, Stephen --
Board Members Silves, Tanya --
Board Members Elmendorf, TY --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country John Collins
Fall Football Craig Bartl
Joel DeWispelaere
Justin Bronn
Robb Myhre
Fall Cheerleading Caitlin Kepler
Fall Girls Cross Country John Collins
Fall Girls Soccer Ashley Homer
Fall Girls Volleyball Holly Ste. Marie
Winter Boys Basketball Jason Heutink
Winter Boys Wrestling Justin Morgan
Shannon Morgan
Winter Girls Basketball Shane Wichers
Winter Girls Wrestling Shannon Morgan
Spring Baseball Gerrit Sterk
Jessy Dykstra
Joel DeWispelaere
Spring Boys Golf Chris O'day
Spring Boys Soccer
Spring Boys Track & Field Justin Bronn
Spring Fastpitch Softball Tom Harmon
Breanna Scheffer
Spring Girls Golf Robb Myhre
Spring Girls Track & Field Justin Bronn


Activity Head Advisor(s)