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School Personnel

Principal McCracken, Tami --
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director Radtke, Shelly 509-354-6233
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries Himes, Isabella --
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Bookkeeper
Puckett, Kimberly --
Athletic Secretaries Kubik, Sherry --
Athletic Trainer Goodwin, Andrea --
Athletic Trainer
Officially: Athletic Trainer
Belnap, Kira 509-666-2415

District Personnel

Superintendent Swinyard, Adam 509-354-7268
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director on Special Assignment
Dowell, Jake --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Executive Director of Athletics
Splater, Stephanie --
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Kozel, Hilary --
Board Members Slagle, Jenny --
Board Members Bedford, Melissa --
Board Members Wiser, Michael --
Board Members
Officially: Board President
Lockwood, Nikki --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Andrew Kimpel
Fall Football Zachary Pittman
Aaron Woods
Jake Martin
Delevechi Jones
Rich Naccarato
Juandiego Lerma
Fall Dance/Drill Melissa Manning
Fall Cheerleading Nikki Taylor
Fall Girls Cross Country Jan Janke
Fall Slowpitch Softball Ashley Bartels
Fall Girls Soccer Matt Leonard
Fall Girls Volleyball Jason Delp
Karrie Delp
Stephanie Kolden
Winter Boys Basketball Delevechi Jones
Rob Sacre
Winter Boys Wrestling Bryan Wais
Winter Girls Basketball Joseph Kraus
Winter Gymnastics Arnetta Mitchell
Winter Girls Wrestling
Spring Baseball Curly Rousseau
Spring Boys Golf Jeffery Tapp
Spring Boys Soccer Matt Leonard
Peter Sokolis
Spring Boys Tennis Marina Gruis
Spring Boys Track & Field Aaron Woods
Mark Vandine
DeSean Svastisalee
Nick McDerrah
Dave Rockstrom
Hailey Leeking
Jared Lee
Stephanie Kolden
Curtis Ransford
Spring Fastpitch Softball Allison Hochhalter
Spring Girls Golf Lindsey Shannon
Spring Girls Tennis Brina Carrigan
Spring Girls Track & Field Kelly Harmon
Aaron Woods
Nick McDerrah


Activity Head Advisor(s)
All Year Music (Band)
All Year Music (Choir)
All Year Debate (Congressional)
All Year Debate (Policy)
All Year Drama Club
All Year Music (Orchestra)
All Year Debate (Speech)