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School Personnel

Principal Greenwell, Nick --
Assistant Principal Groen, Katrina --
Assistant Principal Tennant, Kim --
Principal's Secretary
Officially: Office Professional
Graff, April --
Athletic Director Coker, Stephen 360-412-4809
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Athletic Secretary / Head Coach
Test, Joe mailto: --
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: ASB/Athletics Administration
Enlow, Karly --
Athletic Trainer Lirazan, Dustin --

District Personnel

Superintendent Oliver, Troy --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Brooks, Angela --
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Badillo-Diiorio, Esperanza --
Board Members Maliska, Gretchen --
Board Members Gipson, Michelle --
Board Members Tracy, Sarah --
Board Members Sevruk, Tiffany --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Brad Hooper
Joe Test
Ryan Aufort
Fall Football James Stippich
Camren Bowes
Keith Moffatt
Calvin Belton
Fall Boys Tennis Mikki Matson
Travin Feramisco
Fall Cheerleading Jara Wright
Monica Key
Fall Dance/Drill Alisha Blain-Warner
Fall Girls Cross Country Ryan Aufort
Fall Girls Soccer Dewayne Thomas
Fall Girls Swimming & Diving Mary Catherine Pilon
Fall Girls Volleyball Jackie Meyer
Winter Boys Basketball Mike Conner
Winter Boys Swimming & Diving Laurel Smith
Winter Boys Wrestling Calvin Belton
Tony Evans
Winter Competitive Cheerleading Jara Wright
Winter Girls Basketball Jackie Meyer
Winter Girls Bowling Brian Bigelow
Winter Gymnastics Shannon Brigham
Winter Girls Wrestling Calvin Belton
Tony Evans
Charles Tennant
Spring Baseball Pete Peppley
Spring Boys Golf Eddie Gentry
Spring Boys Soccer Alyssa Elwin
Dewayne Thomas
Spring Boys Track & Field Camren Bowes
Brent Warner
Brad Hooper
Jackie Meyer
Rob Smith
Spring Fastpitch Softball Sam Harding
Spring Girls Golf Tim Brown
Spring Girls Tennis Mikki Matson
Travin Feramisco
Spring Girls Track & Field Camren Bowes
Brent Warner
Brad Hooper
Jackie Meyer
Rob Smith


Activity Head Advisor(s)