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School Personnel

Principal Achondo, Linda --
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary McKinney, Sarah --
Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director / Head Coach
Thacker, Jay --
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries Acord, Lindsey --
Athletic Trainer None listed...

District Personnel

Superintendent Hardesty, Jeff 509-476-2281
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Thacker, Jay --
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Moser, Kolo --


Sport Head Coach(es)
HS Fall Boys Cross Country Chad Portwood
HS Fall Football Brick Wall
MS Fall Football Daniel McKinney
MS Fall Boys Cross Country Chad Portwood
HS Fall Cheerleading Shelly Martin
HS Fall Girls Cross Country Sierra Speiker
Chad Portwood
HS Fall Girls Soccer Jim Elias
HS Fall Girls Volleyball DJ Rounds
MS Fall Girls Cross Country Sierra Speiker
Chad Portwood
HS Winter Boys Basketball Jay Thacker
HS Winter Boys Wrestling Chuck Ricevuto
Rick Hamilton
MS Winter Boys Basketball Connor Hughes
Dane Forrester
MS Winter Boys Wrestling Brandy Rise
Aaron Willis
HS Winter Cheerleading Shelly Martin
HS Winter Girls Basketball Chad Mathews
HS Winter Girls Wrestling Chuck Ricevuto
Aaron Willis
MS Winter Girls Wrestling Chuck Ricevuto
Riley Buzzard
HS Spring Baseball
HS Spring Boys Golf Bruce Perisho
HS Spring Boys Soccer Kevin Cruz
HS Spring Boys Tennis Kate Forest
HS Spring Boys Track & Field Chad Portwood
MS Spring Boys Track & Field
HS Spring Fastpitch Softball Dane Forrester
HS Spring Girls Golf Bruce Perisho
HS Spring Girls Tennis Kate Forest
HS Spring Girls Track & Field Chad Portwood
MS Spring Girls Track & Field


Activity Head Advisor(s)
HS All Year Music (Band)
HS All Year Music (Choir)