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School Personnel

Principal Hull, Clint 509-464-8552
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director None listed...
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries Wiese, Karin --
Athletic Trainer None listed...

District Personnel

Superintendent Russell, Ken --
District Athletic Director Bodecker, Ryan 208-255-9565
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members None listed...


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Melody Turner
Kris Daratha
Fall Football Chris Holquist
Dave Howard
Buddy Wood
Jordan Dutton
Fall Cheerleading Hannah Heilman
Fall Girls Cross Country Kris Daratha
Fall Girls Soccer Jeremy Proctor
Matty Smith
Fall Girls Volleyball Amanda Clow
Winter Boys Basketball Jordan Dutton
Winter Boys Wrestling Sammy Desroches
Jake DesRoches
Winter Girls Basketball Tara Davis
Tamara Winterroth
Winter Cheerleading Nina DesRoches
Hannah Heilman
Winter Girls Wrestling Jake DesRoches
Spring Baseball Randall Moore
Randy Moore
Spring Boys Golf Phil Stime
Jake Wiltfong
Spring Boys Soccer Jeremy Proctor
Matty Smith
Spring Boys Tennis Chris Holquist
Spring Boys Track & Field Tim Hart
Dave Howard
Buddy Wood
Melody Turner
Kris Daratha
Spring Fastpitch Softball Roy Rose
Spring Girls Golf Phil Stime
Spring Girls Tennis Chris Holquist
Spring Girls Track & Field Tim Hart
Dave Howard
Buddy Wood
Melody Turner
Kris Daratha


Activity Head Advisor(s)