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School Personnel

Principal Patton, John --
Assistant Principal
Officially: Athletic Director / Assistant Principal
Lagerstedt, Paul 360-221-4300
Principal's Secretary Eaton, Mary --
Athletic Director Sommer, John --
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Athletic/ASB Secretary
Johnson, Kymy 360-221-6808x4632
Athletic Trainer None listed...

District Personnel

Superintendent Moccia, Jo 360-221-6100
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Sommer, John --
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Greenheron, Joe --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Doug Fulton
Rosemarie Donnelly
Scott Warwick
Fall Football Luke Hodson
Fall Boys Tennis Levi Buck
Fall Cheerleading Angela Muniz
Fall Girls Cross Country Doug Fulton
Fall Girls Soccer Terry Swanson
Fall Girls Swimming & Diving
Fall Girls Volleyball Mandy Jones
Winter Boys Basketball Josh Coleman
Winter Boys Swimming & Diving
Winter Boys Wrestling
Winter Girls Basketball Jason Wood
Winter Cheerleading Angela Muniz
Winter Girls Wrestling John Sommer
Spring Baseball Tom Fallon
Spring Boys Golf Steve Jones
Spring Boys Soccer Ryan D'Jay
Spring Boys Track & Field Doug Fulton
Mark Eager
Scott Warwick
Spring Fastpitch Softball Keasha Campbell
Spring Girls Golf Eddie Mulcahy
Spring Girls Tennis Levi Buck
Spring Girls Track & Field Doug Fulton
Mark Eager
Shauna Davies
Scott Warwick


Activity Head Advisor(s)