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School Personnel

Principal Darbyson, Gabriel --
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director Martinez, Dave 509-836-3219
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries Story, Kelly 509-836-3228
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Athletic Secretary / Secretary
Flores, Rocio 509-836-3228
Athletic Trainer Babcock, Tara --

District Personnel

Superintendent Maxwell, Ryan --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Martinez, Dave 509-836-3219
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Anderson, Jory --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Jeffrey White
Fall Football Marshall Lobbestael
Fall Cheerleading Alejandra Ramos
Fall Girls Cross Country Jeffrey White
Shaina White
Fall Dance/Drill Ebony Chavez-negrete
Fall Slowpitch Softball Jaycie Husted
Fall Girls Soccer Jose Marquez
Fall Girls Swimming & Diving Clarissa Calderon
Fall Girls Volleyball Hilary Cullen
Winter Boys Basketball Bruce Siebol
Winter Boys Swimming & Diving Jeffrey White
Winter Boys Wrestling Baudelio Campos
Rafael Mendoza
Winter Competitive Cheerleading Alejandra Ramos
Winter Girls Basketball Chris McCallum
Winter Girls Bowling
Winter Girls Wrestling David Mendoza
Spring Baseball Pete Marquez
Spring Boys Golf Nick Gurnard
Spring Boys Soccer David Guevara
Spring Boys Tennis John Rodriguez
Spring Boys Track & Field Cole Hoberg
Jeffrey White
Jacob Oswalt
Daniel Winger
Spring Fastpitch Softball Jaycie Husted
Greg Stroh
Spring Girls Golf Ryan Hernandez
Spring Girls Tennis John Rodriguez
Spring Girls Track & Field Jeffrey White


Activity Head Advisor(s)