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School Personnel

Principal Mothershead, Cody --
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director / Head Coach
Gibson, Chris 360-829-5507
Asst Athletic Director
Officially: Assistant Athletic Director
Mahlstedt, Amanda --
Athletic Secretaries Anderson, Kerry 360-829-5508
Athletic Trainer None listed...

District Personnel

Superintendent Harrison, Scott 360-829-3814
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director / Head Coach
Gibson, Chris 360-829-5507
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Pearson, Cassie --
Board Members Vogel, Denise --
Board Members Johnson, James --
Board Members Bunker, Karen --
Board Members Scheer, Matt --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Dameon Marlow
Fall Football John Dorsey
Wyatt Evenson
Fall Boys Golf Garrett Anderson
Terry Vallala
Fall Boys Tennis Brad Pratt
Fall Cheerleading Sheridan Aubert
Fall Girls Cross Country Dameon Marlow
Fall Dance/Drill Asia Cade
Fall Girls Golf Megan Cash
Fall Girls Soccer Mackenzie Anderson
Fall Girls Swimming & Diving
Fall Girls Volleyball Stephanie Pond
Winter Boys Basketball Zach Johnson
Winter Boys Wrestling Jay Stanhope
Josh Sneva
Joe Cordes
Luis Cardenas
Hank Herrick
Winter Competitive Cheerleading Sheridan Aubert
Winter Girls Basketball Chris Gibson
Megan Cash
Winter Girls Bowling Rebecca Tiller
Winter Girls Wrestling
Spring Baseball Garrett Anderson
Nate Barnett
Spring Boys Soccer
Spring Boys Track & Field Stacy Ingersoll
Dameon Marlow
Spring Fastpitch Softball Carl Nyberg
Brandon Walker
Spring Girls Tennis Brad Pratt
Spring Girls Track & Field Kate Stearns
Dameon Marlow
John Dorsey
Kramer Green
Stacy Ingersoll
Zack Cash


Activity Head Advisor(s)
All Year Drama Club