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Willapa Valley Middle/High School Vikings

Public High School, 6th-12th in Willapa Valley School District

General Info

Athletic Info

Contact Info

Athletic Website
Athletic Phone
Athletic Email
Convenience Links
MaxPreps NCES DOE Google

School Personnel

Principal Johnson, Kristeen 369-942-3319
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director Pearson, Jay 360-942-4859
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Head Advisor / Assistant Coach
Konigsberger, Abby 360-942-4851
Athletic Trainer None listed...

District Personnel

Superintendent Morris, Nancy 360-942-5855
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Pearson, Jay 360-942-4859
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Fraiser, Dave --
Board Members Matlock, Pat --
Board Members McVey, Raela --
Board Members Jerles, Ryan --
Board Members Lundy, Tyler --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Jon Ashley
Fall Boys Cross Country Jon Ashley
Fall Football
Fall Football Brandyn Bates
Fall Cheerleading Leslie Hodel
Fall Cheerleading Jessica Verboomen
Fall Girls Cross Country Jon Ashley
Fall Girls Cross Country Jon Ashley
Fall Girls Volleyball Chelsea Kempton
Fall Girls Volleyball Shelly Barnum
Winter Boys Basketball Derek Rask
Winter Boys Basketball Dave Ege
Kris Basil
Winter Boys Wrestling Andy Portmann
Winter Boys Wrestling Andy Portmann
Winter Girls Basketball Dawn Keeton
Winter Girls Basketball John Peterson
TJ Kaech
Winter Cheerleading Autumn Milbert
Winter Cheerleading Jessica Verboomen
Winter Girls Wrestling
Winter Girls Wrestling Andy Portmann
Spring Baseball Kent Smaciarz
Spring Boys Golf
Spring Boys Track & Field Dave Ege
Spring Boys Track & Field Sheila Tjostolvson
Spring Fastpitch Softball
Spring Girls Golf
Spring Girls Track & Field Brandyn Bates
Dave Ege
Spring Girls Track & Field Sheila Tjostolvson


Activity Head Advisor(s)