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School Personnel

Principal Pearson, Phillip --
Assistant Principal Lindsay, Mike --
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director Adrian, Taylor 360-841-2889
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries McLendon, Jodi 360-841-2804
Athletic Trainer None listed...

District Personnel

Superintendent Riley, Asha --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Campbell, Angela 360-841-2856
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Adrian, Taylor 360-841-2889
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members McLendon, Paul --
Board Members Huddleston, Trish --
Board Members Stuart, Sarah --
Board Members Guthrie, Tom --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Devon Fliss
Melanie Holmes
Fall Football Glen Flanagan
Troy Flanagan
Sean Mcdonald
Fall Boys Golf Adam King
Fall Cheerleading Andria Terry
Alieah Jolley
Fall Girls Cross Country Devon Fliss
Melanie Holmes
Fall Dance/Drill Andria Terry
Auzsha Jolley
Fall Girls Swimming & Diving Michelle Jacobs-Brown
Fall Girls Soccer Maria Halcumb
Onesimo Sebastian
Fall Girls Volleyball Kendall Rohrer
Winter Boys Basketball Justin Gabbard
Winter Boys Swimming & Diving Michelle Jacobs-Brown
Winter Boys Wrestling Zac Seevers
Winter Girls Basketball Glen Flanagan
Josh Bunger
Ben Nelson
Winter Cheerleading Andria Terry
Winter Girls Wrestling Justin Zimmerman
Zac Seevers
Spring Baseball Nic Patee
Spring Boys Soccer Dave Tallbut
Onesimo Sebastian
Spring Boys Track & Field Glen Flanagan
Melanie Holmes
Betheny Musgrove
Spring Fastpitch Softball Tom Christensen
Spring Girls Golf Katie Klaus
Spring Girls Track & Field Glen Flanagan
Melanie Holmes


Activity Head Advisor(s)