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School Personnel

Principal Atkins, Marty --
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director
Officially: Assistant Coach / Athletic Director
Larsen, Chad 360-739-7550
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Athletic Admin Asst
Duncan, Alexandra --
Athletic Trainer
Officially: athletic trainer
Nakazato, Hideto --
Athletic Trainer
Officially: Athletic Trainer / Head Coach
Owen, Katie 360-922-4136
Athletic Trainer
Officially: Athletic Trainer / Head Coach
Hite, Maggie --

District Personnel

Superintendent Baker, Greg --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Hayes, James --
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Mason, Jenn --
Board Members Rose, Katie --
Board Members Ritchey, Scott --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Eric Bachmeier
Bill McClement
Kim Stensgar
Fall Football Adam Leonard
Fall Boys Tennis Steve Chronister
Fall Cheerleading Lisa Harbine
Fall Girls Cross Country Bill McClement
Fall Dance/Drill Ronni Weston
Evan Walker
Fall Slowpitch Softball Anna Wilson
Fall Girls Soccer Spencer Wolfe
Fall Girls Swimming & Diving Matt Buckmaster
Fall Girls Volleyball
Winter Boys Basketball Patrick McCann
Mark Wright
Brad McKay
Adam Leonard
Winter Boys Swimming & Diving Matt Buckmaster
Rhonda Flatz Stouder
Avey Bathum
Winter Boys Wrestling John Cavalier
Tylor LaBelle
Winter Girls Basketball Ken McLendon
Winter Cheerleading Nicole Sargent
Katie Terpstra
Lisa Harbine
Winter Gymnastics Kyle Kaltenfeldt
Winter Girls Wrestling Bob Spain
Spring Baseball Adam Leonard
Tom Lewis
Spring Boys Golf Scott Smartt
Alex Ferrier
Spring Boys Soccer Andrew Curtis
Spencer Wolfe
Spring Boys Track & Field Eric Bachmeier
Bill McClement
Spring Fastpitch Softball
Spring Girls Golf Brad McKay
Spring Girls Tennis Jeff Butcher
Steve Chronister
Spring Girls Track & Field Amanda Shearer Hannah
Eric Bachmeier
Bob Matthews
Chanelle Yaralian
Jon Knutsen
Morgan Annable
Jody Stecher
Liz Burrus
Bill McClement


Activity Head Advisor(s)
All Year Music (Orchestra)
All Year Debate (Congressional)