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School Personnel

Principal Cole, Sonia --
Assistant Principal Couto, Mike --
Principal's Secretary Contreras, Monica --
Athletic Director Cushman, Colin 360-676-6481x5200
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries Cerenzia, Kristin 360-676-6470x5201
Athletic Trainer Owen, Katie 360-922-4136
Athletic Trainer Hite, Maggie --

District Personnel

Superintendent Baker, Greg --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Hayes, James --
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Mason, Jenn --
Board Members Rose, Katie --
Board Members Ritchey, Scott --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Sarah Vaughan
Kevin Ryan
Fall Football Brian Young
Fall Boys Tennis Val Jacobsen
Tom Sloane
Jane Sloane
Fall Cheerleading Beth Kealy
Fall Girls Cross Country Sarah Vaughan
Kevin Ryan
Fall Dance/Drill Jodene Oberlander
Selena Arciniega-Storey
Fall Slowpitch Softball
Fall Girls Soccer Emily Webster
Fall Girls Swimming & Diving Rhonda Flatz Stouder
Lauren Heath
Fall Girls Volleyball David Moreno
Clayton Sin
Winter Boys Basketball Mike Johnson
Ben Wolters
Brad Jackson
Patrick McEvoy
Winter Boys Swimming & Diving Lauren Heath
Winter Boys Wrestling
Winter Girls Basketball Kim Stensgar
Winter Girls Bowling
Winter Gymnastics Kyle Kaltenfeldt
Winter Girls Wrestling Griselda Cuevas
Mitchell Steed
Michael Norton
Spring Baseball Dane Siegfried
Spring Boys Golf Jeff Wood
Spring Boys Soccer Jose Flores
Spring Boys Track & Field Kevin Ryan
Kayla Nygren
Aysha Nygren
Spring Fastpitch Softball
Spring Girls Golf Jared Greenwood
Jeff Tetrick
Spring Girls Tennis Tom Sloane
Spring Girls Track & Field Deja Svastisalee
Kevin Ryan
Tim Carlson
Darius Carriger
Aysha Nygren
Kayla Nygren
Koby Okezie
Sarah Vaughan
Conner Johnsen
Justin Garcia
Morgan Annable
Jody Stecher


Activity Head Advisor(s)
All Year Debate (Speech)
All Year Drama Club
All Year Music (Band)
All Year Music (Choir)
All Year Music (Orchestra)