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School Personnel

Principal Peak, Laurel 360-671-6470
Assistant Principal Louzao, Jeremy --
Assistant Principal Dunham, Meghan --
Principal's Secretary Crouse, Phyllis 360-676-2786
Athletic Director Brown, Patrick 360-676-6471
Asst Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Administrative Assistant
Behee, Pam --
Athletic Trainer Nakazato, Hideto --
Athletic Trainer Owen, Katie 360-922-4136

District Personnel

Superintendent Baker, Greg --
District Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director
Hayes, James --
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members Mason, Jenn --
Board Members Rose, Katie --
Board Members Ritchey, Scott --


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Chris Fredlund
Erin Hoopes
Jami Hoeger
Fall Football Josh Meese
Nick Lucey
Fall Boys Tennis Genevieve Millar
Meri-Jo Borzilleri
Angie Harwood
Fall Cheerleading Anna Edquist
Fall Girls Cross Country Chris Fredlund
Erin Hoopes
Fall Slowpitch Softball Amy Anderson
Fall Girls Soccer Jose Rodriguez
Fall Girls Swimming & Diving Amy Boswell
Rhonda Flatz Stouder
Randy Elsner
Fall Girls Volleyball Kinsey Morris
Winter Boys Basketball David Dunham
Winter Boys Swimming & Diving Randy Elsner
Winter Boys Wrestling Gavin Stewart
Winter Girls Basketball Jenalyn Brown
Winter Girls Bowling
Winter Gymnastics Kyle Kaltenfeldt
Winter Girls Wrestling Brian Porteous
Spring Baseball Hayden Knight
Jack Boysen
Hayden Knight
Spring Boys Golf Matthew Tremaine
Spring Boys Soccer Jose Rodriguez
Spring Boys Track & Field Morgan Annable
Heather Korbmacher
Erin Hoopes
Chris Benson
Isaac Hall
Chris Fredlund
Spring Fastpitch Softball Amy Anderson
Spring Girls Golf Tim Vail
Spring Girls Tennis Angie Harwood
Spring Girls Track & Field Erin Hoopes


Activity Head Advisor(s)
All Year Music (Band) Kay Reilly
All Year Drama Club
All Year Debate (Speech) Nick Phillips